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Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Adjusting to Death


Stan passed away on October 10, 2024. Despite my optimism in my last entry, he slowly began to lose weight and with it strength and energy. He slept more and more each day and really shouldn't have been driving any more. He would still go sit in the front yard for a while, then later go sit in the back yard.


About a week before he fell in the back yard, he woke me up when he came to bed and told me he had been happy. He told me about the same thing pretty often, but thinking back, it's like he knew.


The next week, he fell in the back yard and broke his hip. He had a stroke while still in the emergency room. He could barely speak after the stroke and had to have a feeding tube through his nose. He was paralyzed on the left side and could only move his right arm. To get him ready for the hip surgery and for a rehab facility, the decision was made to move the feeding tube from his nose to his stomach. The surgery went well, but in recovery he stopped breathing then his heart stopped. They worked valiantly to save him but couldn't. The last thing I said to him before the surgery was, "I love you." He found the strength to tell me he loved me. Neither of us knew those were the last words we would ever say to each other.


I have struggled a lot to come to terms with what happened. Getting through Thanksgiving without him was hard as is Christmas. I am adjusting and know he is with God now, someone who will take even better care of him than I did.


Posted by stormi36 at 9:41 AM CST
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Saturday, 26 August 2023
No, I'm still not all that interested in blogging

And yes, another year has gone by since I posted anything!  My life is filled with Stan, meetings, water aerobics, crafting, more meetings, etc.

Stan survived cancer last year and has a clean bill of health.  He had minor surgery this year and he can walk and do whatever he wants to and is able to do given the five years he spent most of in a wheelchair.  He is involved a little with city stuff and goes to most of the board meetings and council meetings with me.  We volunteer for a lot of different things in our city.

In the past year, I’ve lost several very dear friends but managed to reconnect with some from my youth.  When you get past 70, you can feel like you are going to more funerals than weddings.  We did have one wedding last year and it was truly wonderful. 

We added a few babies to the tribe this year.  They come with the realization that this is likely the last generation of your family that you will see born.

We have a blessed and peaceful life and enjoy every day with which we are blessed.  We are active, have good friends and are finally both pretty healthy.  What more can anyone ask for?

Posted by stormi36 at 5:20 PM CDT
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Friday, 5 August 2022
Just Another Day in Paradise!

Intentions were to keep up with the blog but life happens.  We have been surviving the heat this summer and continuing to make progress toward our goals.  In the spring I had some pretty serious issues with RA but they have been resolved.  Stan still faces a few challenges but they are minor compared to those of others.  Several of my friends were dealing with cancer and all have completed treatment and now have a clean bill of health.  God works miracles and answers prayers.

I tried a new method of gardening in special non-woven bags and am pleased with the success.  Because I could move my potatoes into partial shade when the heat started, they are still growing where those that were planted in a sunny garden have mostly been harvested.  My chamomile has done well and I have been able to harvest 2-10 flowers a day.  By fall, I should have enough for 2-3 cups of tea – LOL.  They are tiny flowers and when dried are very tiny, but I think the aroma they have is a lot better than my commercially sourced flowers.  If you drink chamomile tea, the flowers make much better tea than any of the bagged varieties.

Stan hasn’t been able to help me much in the garden this year, but he does some watering for me during the hour or so he is “allowed” to be on his feet.  He will be having surgery (very minimal) in the fall and will have a wound vac to help the incision heal.  That should resolve the problems.  Once that has healed, he will have one or more other things done that should eliminate any recurrence.  He is looking forward to that!

My sister and I try to have lunch every week and my niece and I try to do Christmas shopping once a week.  She and I craft so shopping needs to be done early so we can have ample time for creation.  We will be hosting Christmas Eve.

I am still enjoying my volunteer work for the City of Watauga.  I am on several boards and City Council.  I love the challenges of dealing with budget restrictions while trying to improve services for our residents.  Staffing challenges have been significant and we are developing strategies to deal with those challenges.  We received a serious amount of money from the Federal Government under a grant that imposes rules on how it can be spent, but we have many needs that it will help fund.

My web page was migrated from lycos/tripod to a new provider and I haven’t resolved the mail issues yet.  When I try to redirect the email, it tells me it doesn’t recognize my yahoo mail.  I will resolve it someday, perhaps.  So, if you know me, you know my email address.  Or, you can find me on Facebook.

Posted by stormi36 at 7:20 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 September 2022 9:01 PM CDT
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Sunday, 17 October 2021
Busy Early Fall

Life has been busy the past month or so! I started taking Yoga (8:00 a.m.) and Water Aerobics (9:25 a.m.) at TCC NE.  These ARE NOT senior classes.  That takes up Tuesday and Wednesday morning for sure.  I am taking classes with friends from High School, Junior High School and Elementary School.  We all graduated together 53 years ago. 

City life has been busy also.  Our City Manager left to take a position at a larger city.  She was also our City Secretary.  We hired a new City Secretary on October 11.  We are still in the process of selecting a new City Manager.  In the next few weeks, we will begin reviewing proposals from several firms regarding taking over as our City Attorney.  These three positions report directly to City Council.  Our H/R Director, who helped us so much in recruitment, resume review and selection will be leaving soon for a larger city and a promotion.

Stan was just getting back to normal and had a setback, so he will be on extreme light duty for a few more weeks.  I have already farmed out most of his duties to service providers so life continues to be very enjoyable for both of us.  It is football season and he does not have to do yardwork for a while.

This weekend I have finally been able to devote some time to my favorite pastimes, reading and crafts.  I am really enjoying 6 Feet Under Texas by Tui Snider, a writer who lives in North Texas.  We met her at an event in Weatherford a few years ago.  She will be giving a talk about the referenced book this week at the Watauga Public Library.  My cousin cleans and photographs old cemeteries and does research on the backgrounds of those buried there when time permits.  He and I are the youngest (he is a year older) in our generation and seem to have a proclivity towards the unusual. Cemeteries are fascinating. 

The Fall weather is quite enjoyable.  I have tried to find time for craft fairs and our local Artisans’ Market this month.  I will be doing a special activity for Halloween but Stan will be managing the candy basket at our house.  He loves seeing the kids in costumes, especially the toddlers.

Speaking of toddlers, we were blessed with a great-great grand niece and a great-great grand nephew this year!  The young man lives in a bit west of us in Texas and the young lady live in Georgia.  I managed to make blanket for each – one was a smidge early and it wasn’t quite finished in time. 

That is about it for now.  HAPPY FALL Y’ALL!

Posted by stormi36 at 4:46 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 5 August 2022 6:12 PM CDT
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Monday, 30 August 2021
Back to School

  We had our Lady Eagles Luncheon on August 25th at the Mexican Inn on Lancaster.  It was fun.  It was the bright spot in a very busy week. 

          I did a WEDC anniversary at 10:30 on Monday, then a City Council Workshop and a City Council Meeting.

          Tuesday, my Water Aerobics class started.  After class, two of my friends from high school and I signed up for the 8:00 a.m. Yoga class. 

          Wednesday, Stan and I went to to our Citizens' Police Academy meeting. 

          Thursday, I went to Yoga and the Water Aerobics class.  We can't use the pool for a couple more weeks due to remodeling so we did fitness testing.

          We got in some quality time together over the weekend.  I'm dividing any spare time I have between painting wooden balls for garlands and crocheting dish towels.  I did finish a dish cloth this week.  I like the pattern and will make at least one more for our kitchen to match the dish towel I'm working on.

          This week started with blood work then back home for It's All Green to install new grass where we had shrubs and trees removed. 

          One of my good friends is going to Orlando with her husband and kids this week.  I hope everything is great for them.  She also won a trip on a CDC experimental cruise and that will be later in the month.  The only thing I've "won" lately was the Census Bureau contacting me every week about Covid and some other stuff.    

          Oh!  And I was actually called by Gallup people!  Yes, they are real.  They put me on their "list" of people they can call.  If that is really the case, then it isn't really "random," is it?  Perhaps I am now part of a statistical model that a client can request, like "cranky old lady" or "retired civil servant" or people with an advanced degree.  I studied research polls and models in grad school and it is all pretty interesting stuff, if you are a nurd - another group I might possibly belong to.

Posted by stormi36 at 6:09 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 30 August 2021 6:12 PM CDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2021
The Story Continues

Stan was released for "light duty" on his foot Friday.  He went to the doctor alone because I had an event to attend - the 37th Anniversary for the Senior Center.  

It was again a busy week.  On Monday, I had a City Council Workshop.  On Tuesday I had a Watauga Economic Development Committee meeting.  Wednesday, Stan and I attended the second session of the Watauga Citizens Police Academy.  On Thursday, I attended the NE Tarrant Chamber monthly meeting.

Next week is just as full, but I'm not there yet so I'll approach the future with joy.

I am fully into craft mode, making mini rolling pins and bead garlands for my seasonal 3-tiered tray.  I've knitted a half dozen hats and one neck scarf for the homeless shelter. 

Next week, I will start going to Water Aerobics again.  My other duties will cause me to miss a few classes, but I think it is better to go most of the time than not at all.

Well, that's it for today.   

Posted by stormi36 at 2:43 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 August 2021 2:52 PM CDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2021
Doing the Work I Ran for Office to Do

Last night we had our Budget Workshop.  The Finance Director had prepared an excellent document for the City Manager to present to Council.  During Covid, our Mayor and City Manager did a great job of balancing needs and what resources were available.  Watauga came out of the shutdowns with plans ready for success.  Our 2021-2022 budget reflects this.  We were able to add back about half the positions that were cut.  We were also able to provide the services that are necessary and some that are desired.  I'd say that's a good start to recovery. 

After the meeting was over, I went to the first session of the Citizens Police Academy that Watauga does every year - except when pandemics interfere.  It is a good program and attendees learn a lot about how the Police Department functions.  

Tomorrow is Big Vehicle Day.  Some of our large equipment and some vehicles from other sources will be on display in the back parking lot of the library.  It is such an exciting day for the kids who come to it and probably just as much fun for the parents.  I will be volunteering to work at the event as a Volunteer in Police Service (VIPS).


Posted by stormi36 at 8:32 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 August 2021 8:34 PM CDT
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Monday, 2 August 2021

Well, I won the election and have been serving on the Watauga City Council since November 2020.  It has been a lot of work but well worth the effort to get elected.  I am still on the Watauga Economic Development Corporation and have added the Crime Control District to my list of boards.  I am also trying to be very active in the Volunters in Police Service program for Watauga.  Who said being retired is dull? 

I picked up beef bones Saturday. I roasted them then put them in the slow cooker for 20 hours. I poured off the liquid into a metal bowl and let it cool then skimmed off the fat. I put the fat into the slow cooker for 10 hours to remove the water and simmered the broth on the stovetop to remove the excess moisture. I finished the process this morning, boiling the jars and lids and softening the bone broth a little. I got a half pint of pure lard and two half pints of beef bone broth. Starting on my bases now means better soup for fall and winter. NO - I DON"T MAKE PHO. LOL

Our lives were complicated by Covid-19 but after getting vaccinated, we felt a lot better being out and doing things.  We wear masks when appropriate but aren't as worried as we were a year ago.  For us, life has pretty much returned to normal.


Posted by stormi36 at 9:18 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 2 August 2021 5:17 PM CDT
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Monday, 5 October 2020

We have been campaigning every day for several hours.  Everyone I have talked to seems to think I have the qualifications for the job and say they will be voting for me.  I am optimistic about the election.  We are almost out of signs, and that is probably a good thing.  I have two banners left and may be able to find them a home today.

The weather is getting so comfortable and we have enjoyed being out.  Wearing a mask while trying to talk to people is difficult so I usually back off a bit and pull my mask down.  Most of the people I talk to answer the door without a mask, so they do not seem to mind.

I have a lot of supporters, but the bottom line is that it has just been Stan and me out campaigning every day.   I was not able to help with the door-to-door campaigns in the last election because I was still having trouble recovering from foot surgery.  I have committed to helping my friends on City Council, a new candidate and the Mayor next year and feel I am up for it this time.

I will never be 100% again with the foot, but time and lots of working with it has made it more limber and I am used to the pain to the point it does not bother me at all most days.  My annual cancer check-up was excellent.  My EKG last week was “perfect” in the words of the Cardiologist.  I had cancelled all our non-essential doctor appointments due to Covid-19 but have rescheduled everything and we are making the rounds.  I am scheduled this month for a biopsy of a small red spot near my right eye and that is a little concerning but for the fact that last year my Dermatologist looked at it and was not concerned.  It has not changed.  My doctor retired and the new person was concerned.  My thumb has healed but I still need to verify that it healed correctly.  For the record, shutting your thumb in a car door and having it latch is probably not something one should endeavor to accomplish.

I was up quite early and got the clothes and napkins ironed.  I enjoy my early mornings when the neighborhood is still and the sun is not yet risen.  I usually work on one of the two afghans I have started.  One is for Christmas and the other is for St. Patrick’s Day.  I was having difficulty matching the gauge of the yarn for the Christmas afghan but I was able to order the same type as the colors this weekend.  I am making the other one quite a bit larger than the pattern and had to order more green yarn this weekend also. 

I am so ready for life to get back to normal.  Perhaps we will soon have a new normal that is not quite the same as what we once had but will be more tolerable than what it is now.  I want everyone to be safe in their daily activities and I want our nation to heal from all the hate.  I think people are tired of all the animosity.  We were founded as one nation, under God.  So many people seem to have forgotten that.  Freedom does not mean the freedom to destroy our county, our nation’s core values or our Constitution.  We have already fought one Civil War to settle that argument. 

Posted by stormi36 at 7:12 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 2 August 2021 5:11 PM CDT
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Saturday, 12 September 2020
Old School

We have learned a few things, or should I say relearned a few things in dealing with the pandemic.

On my last outing before everything shut down, I visited a restaurant supply and purchased five packages flat-fold paper towels, five rolls of paper towels, and 5 rolls of bathroom tissue in the giant dispenser size.  I figured out that a stack of the paper towels in the kitchen handled the emergency spill situations.  I “engineered” a method for using the giant bathroom tissue rolls. 

The first shortage we encountered was paper towels.  The rolls from the restaurant supply as well as another six pack I managed to get delivered went to my dad, who I was encouraging to stay home.  I checked on my sister to see what she was not able get and sent her some paper towels also.  I still had some from pre-pandemic stock.  It was six weeks or more before you could get paper towels delivered from Prime or Walmart.

I found out that one of the industrial size rolls of bathroom tissue will last an entire month!  When I went back to the regular stuff, it was quite a shock because it was, shall we say, of a higher quality.

The paper towel situation was far easier to deal with.  I did not grow up with paper towels.  Neither did Stan.  I took the roll off the dispenser and we went back to the fifties and used real cloth towels.  The flat-fold towels were used for microwaving and spills.

The next shortage or unattainable item turned out to be paper napkins.  I set the table for almost every meal but with paper napkins.  Well, back to the cloth napkins.  Until then, I was not totally aware of just how many of those I have.  I found out today when I ironed them all!  I will continue to keep paper napkins for when our meal is out of a bag, and that is not very often.  Real meals deserve real flatware, cloth napkins and our Fiesta plates. 

I will be doing more laundry and ironing by using more cloth and less paper, but it is a small price to pay for reducing our environmental footprint.  The towels and napkins fit in the load of light colors I was already doing each week, so no extra water used.

If you grew up in the fifties and sixties, I encourage you to try some of the old-school ways.  We pretty much always eat at one of the two dining tables.  We have been doing that for years.  Now, I feel like we are upgrading our experience.  It is amazing what a difference just a simple thing like a cloth napkin can do to enhance a meal.

Posted by stormi36 at 5:07 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 2 August 2021 5:04 PM CDT
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