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Sunday, 9 September 2018

We have been quite busy these past weeks.  I am taking a water aerobics class twice a week.  Bradley Construction has begun the complete reconstruction of our sunroom. I am working on a project with a friend.

I was having problems with my cooking software because of conflicts with Windows 7 so I got a new laptop with Windows 10.  I have never liked 10.  Stan switched to 10 when it was free to upgrade and while he can use it, he isn't as proficient with it as he was the older versions.  I have signed us up for a two-week class in November so maybe we will finally arrive in the world of 10.  I've actually not had too much trouble with the new laptop, but it is touch screen and that actually helps.

Stan was doing pretty well with respect to foot issues until last week.  We have a stock-tank thing with a liner that was used at Sprouts to hold ice for displays of vegetables.  Our neighbor, Shana, got it when they were getting rid of it and didn't want to move it back home to Wisconsin when she left so she gave it to us.  The drain got stopped up a little and Stan went out to empty the little bit of water standing in it.  He lifted the entire thing instead of just the liner and set it back down on his toe.  The toe was pretty damaged and swollen.  I got him in to the podiatrist as soon as I could with the goal of both making sure his toe wasn't broken and seeking a remedy to an anomaly caused by the amputation of his big toe.  His toe curled because of tendon issues related to not having a bit toe.  The doctor decided to take the joint out to flatten the toe.  Stan is once again in a boot and taking major antibiotics to ensure no infection.  Keeping him off the foot is an issue, as usual.  Because it doesn't hurt, he thinks he is fine to do stuff.  Ah, the challenges of having a 73-year old male child.  LOL

I loved getting ample rain but am so glad it is over for a few days.  It did usher in cooler temperatures and we are really loving the feeling that fall is just around the corner.  We had a lot planned for fall so I hope Stan heals quickly

Posted by stormi36 at 8:34 AM CDT
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