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Saturday, 26 August 2023
No, I'm still not all that interested in blogging

And yes, another year has gone by since I posted anything!  My life is filled with Stan, meetings, water aerobics, crafting, more meetings, etc.

Stan survived cancer last year and has a clean bill of health.  He had minor surgery this year and he can walk and do whatever he wants to and is able to do given the five years he spent most of in a wheelchair.  He is involved a little with city stuff and goes to most of the board meetings and council meetings with me.  We volunteer for a lot of different things in our city.

In the past year, I’ve lost several very dear friends but managed to reconnect with some from my youth.  When you get past 70, you can feel like you are going to more funerals than weddings.  We did have one wedding last year and it was truly wonderful. 

We added a few babies to the tribe this year.  They come with the realization that this is likely the last generation of your family that you will see born.

We have a blessed and peaceful life and enjoy every day with which we are blessed.  We are active, have good friends and are finally both pretty healthy.  What more can anyone ask for?

Posted by stormi36 at 5:20 PM CDT
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