Walter is in rehab and doing well. They wouldn't let him come home for the weekend. Stan and I have been alternating days with him. I am so tired from everythng going on at work that driving there after work today reminded me of all the days I rushed from south Grand Prairie to Keller to have dinner with Mother.
I've got the greatest husband anyone could ever find. We had his mom and step-dad here, then just his mom. He helped me and supported me when Dad was dying and I had to go sit with him at the hospital from before breakfast until afer dinner each day. He took over at home so I could spend evenings at the nursing home with Mother and went in my place on those few days each month when it was all too much for me. Now, he's there beside all three of us watching out for Walter.
Stan has told me that I'm the bravest and strongest person he's ever know. I couldn't be any of that without him. He's always got my back. I am so blessed.
Work is challenging right now. I keep telling people that Mike and I are ready to open our own business as general contractors. Who knew one little project could be so much work and involve so many trades. No matter how carefully you plan, there will always be something that needs to be changed and it will impact ten other things. One piece of equipment not being available can throw the whole design off. There are still three or four more pieces of equipment outstanding. One carpenter project, a little electrical, a little cat-6, a fire supression system, a floor contract, some tweeking of the gas service and plumbing, an inspection and a Certificate of Occupancy. Oh, did I mention changes to the security system? The need for that change came up around 4:00 this afernoon. I guess that's why I love my job. Every time the phone rings, it could be a new challenge and the opportunity to create a Raving Fan.
Hubbs is running a little bit of a fever tonight so he's in bed with the TV lulling him to sleep. Penny is missing Walter so much after a week with us that she won't leave my side. I'm trying to stay up a little later so he can rest.
The last infusions of Rituxan have lost their efficacy and it's time to do them again. Unfortunately, I am having to negotiate the labyrinth of the healthcare system to get them to agree to cover a treatment I've been receiving for the past four years. Steroids are so dangerous for me but are the only real option I have until the infusions are approved. Please, UHC, get this approved so I can get on with my life!
Posted by stormi36
at 10:53 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 20 April 2012 11:40 PM CDT